Blog Success Stories
In recent months, TV executives have increasingly started to advertise online--specifically on blogs. This year PBS has promoted some of its shows (documentaries about Robert F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, and a series called Frontline World) via blog. According to PBS this strategy has been a success. BlogAds displayed more than 12 million impressions for the documentaries about Kennedy. Lauren Prestileo, the national publicist for PBS said that “To get 12 million impressions with print would be very, very expensive, and it would be a much less targeted audience." PBS spent only $2,000 in this campaign, but the revenues were much, much higher. PBS is planning to continue blog advertising to promote its programs.
Sun Microsystems estimates that between 1,500 and 2,000 employees are engaged in the popular practice of blogging. Sun Microsystems is working to boost even further its corporate blogosphere by strengthening the backend infrastructure of its blogging system and facilitating the posting of multimedia content. According to the company, blogging has been a business success. For example, blogs have helped salespeople get in the door of potential clients that in the past had been hard to approach. Moreover, blogs have become conduits for feedback and ideas from clients that otherwise Sun Microsystems might not have received.
Blogging played a mayor role in distributing and sending help to the areas affected by hurricane Katrina. I found an article about a law professor, Glenn Reynolds, who through his blog directed his readers to donate to the Red Cross. In just one week 480 people answered his call for help and donated about $90,000 to the Red Cross. That’s pretty powerful.
Cool post! It's cool to see some of the big companies catch on to the importance of blogging.
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