Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Invalid Clicks Tool

Google has come up with a new feature enabling advertisers to keep track of invalid click activity in their account. The metrics of invalid clicks and invalid clicks rate will show virtually all the invalid clicks affecting an account.

One of the most controversial issues related to PPC has been estimating how big the problem of click fraud is. It has long been suggested that click fraud was rampant approaching 30% to 50% of all clicks. However, a study by Click Forensics shows that “the overall, industry wide click fraud rate is 13.7%. The click fraud rate at top-tier search engine such as Google and Yahoo is even less at 12.1%.”

This new AdWords feature will make mush easier for all advertisers to estimate invalid click activity.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Madness of War

This post has nothing to do with Internet Marketing, PPC, Affiliate Marketing or how to boost your internet sales. This post is about the horrors of war.

I read the story of Nuhader Monsoor this morning on CNN and I felt I had to do something about it. And since there is little I can do to stop a war, I decided to write about it to show my indignation.

Nuhader Monsoor is an 8- year-old boy who at this very moment is lying in a hospital bed somewhere in Lebanon horribly burned, “His pain cannot possibly be imagined as he shakes uncontrollably in and out of shock. He has blood coming from his eyes.” Next to him is his 8-months-old sister also terribly burned and his mother whose crying can be heard all over the hospital. They were trying to flee the fighting waiving white flags when an Israeli missile slammed into their car. The father died instantly.

Now, I have no doubt Israeli intelligence was well informed Nuhader and his 8-month-sister were Hezbollah members and a danger to Israel national security.

Sadly there are politics like Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, President Bush, and Israel Prime Minister who think it is not yet the right time to stop this madness.

My heart breaks imaniging that little boy whose screams can be heard from the hospital’s hallway and whose life has been shattered by the hypocrisy of governments. Who is the terrorist here?

If the God I know is a God of love, then Nuhader’s cries shall be heard,justice shall prevail and Nuhader’s suffering will be nothing compared to what is in store for those who put conditions to stop a war.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

New Ad Group Tabs

AdWords advertisers have noticed a change in the Ad Group page. Account statistic tables are now presented on separate tabs. The new tabs are found along the upper right edge of the table.

The Summary Tab displays the performance totals for your Ad Group
The Keywords Tab shows you how individual keywords are performing
The Ad Variations Tab displays performance statistics for all of the ads you have created

Personally I like the changes made by Google because these new tabs make it easier for me to read my stats and also save me some time.

What do you think about these changes?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

AdWords Success Stories

I was hired by LDS Audio 4 weeks ago to try to improve their Google AdWords marketing campaign. Their AdWords campaign was not generating any revenue for the company at the time. As a matter of fact, they were losing money week after week. Over the last year their AdWords campaign had generated a negative ROI (-98%).

For the last month WebEvident and LDS Audio have been working closely to turn things around, and we have seen results in very little time.

Last week LDS Audio obtained a 546% ROI and $817 in revenue (Please take a look at the graphs above).

At WebEvident your success is our success. We provide PPC campaign set-up for as little as $2 per keyword. Sing up HERE to become an AdWords Success Story NOW.

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